شركة News
25 th - 27 th July , 2022, “China marking & Digital packaging Expo” was held at C hina O ptics V alley C onvention & E xhibition C enter . The theme of this......
With the increase of the shipment quantity of CO2 RF lasers, we have recently begun to receive some "strange complaints" from clients. "What happened to this laser? It is a new one, but it takes a few seconds to fire after it’s powered one,......
مع التفاني في صنع منتج عالي الجودة ومستقر ، تعمل SPT laser بجد على تحسين التكنولوجيا والإشراف على الإنتاج ونظام مراقبة الجودة. هذا العام ، ستعرض SPT laser أيضا أفضل منتجاتها على SIGN CHINA 2016 كالمعتاد لتجعلك تشعر بشغفها في هذه الصناعة و ......
D.PES international sign expo was over on Feb, 26th. As the biggest sign expo in South China, the exhibition space is up to 70,000 ㎡, 850 companies takes part in the exhibition and displayed their new products, it attracted 86,000 visitors to share this big event. SPT laser had a big success on this exhibition,......